Your child’s heart has to be in their studies to ensure they will thrive. If there is no passion in their heart for their studies, then nothing will tug on the strings to make those cogs turn in their brain.
We provide bespoke education consultancy to help parents feel confident in their decisions for their child’s education. Get in touch with us via the button below for regular updates on independent education to help you get closer to making the best decisions for your child and their future ambitions.
We often receive enquiries to find a boarding school for ****, a 9-year-old girl with artistic potential. Or to find a boarding school for sixth form for ****, a 13-year-old boy who has a passion for medical sciences and is striving for Cambridge, click here to learn how to apply successfully to the right sixth form. Even ****, who is a gifted 7-year-old boy who is working at a level much higher than his age and needs a boarding school that will challenge his abilities and interests, click here to learn how to choose the best boarding school.
You get the picture. These parents have listened and taken into account their child’s current passions and talents rather than just focusing on academic goals and grades – while these are important, no child will thrive if their need to explore isn’t met. To make your enquiry and find out how we can help, click here.
Let’s break this down a little more and look at it from a more personal perspective. When you have to do the laundry or the dishes, most people don’t feel that task pulling at their heartstrings thus encouraging them to do it, no, most people drag themselves up to get it done so they can tick that chore off the list. The key word is “chore”, your child might see certain subjects as a chore no matter how important it is to have a good grade in that subject.
Now let us take a different task, say a relaxing and pampering bubble bath after a stressful day for all the mums out there (dads, how about putting your feet up in front of the television after a long hard day at work?). You don’t think about the steps you took to get there, you’re just happy – even relieved that you’ve got there and enjoy every moment of it. Your child will feel this way about something at school. That something could be science, it could be art and design, it could be languages, it could be any number of things – but this particular passion pulls so hard on their heartstrings that they don’t find it a chore, they find it so interesting that the subject instantly makes the cogs turn in their brain and they are thriving and shining like no other! Once they find this passion, they even find ways to include subjects that seem like a chore because they will understand that to be successful with their passion, they must also be successful with other subjects.
That is why it is important to remember to consider your child’s passions, talents and interests when conducting research to choose a new boarding school for them. It is encouraged to work with a consultant when you are conducting your research. Why not get to know a little bit about our consultants, click here to meet them.
Not all consultants are the same which is why we pride ourselves on being independent. We’re proud to be independent and are not motivated by commercial relationships with schools. We’re passionate about putting your child at the centre of our advice, creating an all-around picture of the many factors which come together to make the perfect school for them. Via 1-2-1 video call sessions, you’ll get to know your consultant well. Our extensive knowledge of boarding schools countrywide gives you the reassurance that you have explored all your relevant and available options, after working with us.
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Find out more about our boarding school services and why our clients choose us by clicking here.
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