Tips to prepare for a university interview on medicine
Parents often ask why they should consider engaging an expert consultant to work alongside their son or daughter, when schools offer support to sixth form students in-house. Here are a few key reasons to engage with an independent expert.
The benefits
Effective, targeted, relevant course & university research
The internet can be confusing. There’s so much information about universities and courses. Your consultant has years of experience, building their knowledge by talking to universities and students. Sharing this knowledge will steer your son or daughter towards the right courses and universities for them.
Personal & individual advice
Sixth form staff are busy people, with many students to guide. The university and careers programme delivered by many schools is impressive, giving a fantastic overview of university courses and career options.
Our University Consultancy Services complement this programme via more intensive 1-2-1 video call sessions with your son or daughter to really kickstart their individual choices in a much more personal and independent way.
Choosing a university & course is one of the most important decisions in a young person’s life
Statistics show many get it wrong and either change course or leave. Engaging an education consultant to work with your son or daughter 1-2-1 reassures parents there’s someone with expert knowledge, guiding them in making these life changing decisions.
Keeping parents informed that the UCAS application is on track
Teenagers don’t tend to communicate on progress. Schools often forget to keep parents in the loop. Deadlines can be looming, and we often find parents are in the dark. Engaging an expert to work alongside your son or daughter means you’ll be involved where you’d like input, as well as being updated on choices, goals, and the progress of the UCAS applications.
Our university consultancy services
Step 1
A member of our expert consultancy team ask for details about your family and your son or daughter’s university goals. The more you can tell us at this stage, the quicker we can help you. They will then recommend the best university consultancy services package for you, explain the outcomes the service will achieve, as well as explaining the associated fees.
Step 2
Once we have spent time getting to know you and your family, we will carefully match you with the right consultant from our team. Your consultant will reach out to you to set up a 30-minute, complimentary "get to know you" video call. This way, you can ask questions about their expertise and approach to advice before deciding whether or not to proceed.
Step 3
After your initial consultation call, we will reach out to you to see if you would like to move forward with our university consultancy services. If you decide to proceed, we will send you an invoice for our service fees. This could be all fees due upfront, or an initial deposit payment for part of a package, depending on the service.
Step 4
Your son or daughter will then work with our consultant’s guidance until the outcomes of your university consultancy services are completed. Your consultant will keep you up to date on progress, ask for your input and answer any questions you may have. We’ll also be on hand to help if you need any further guidance.