What are SATS or Standard Assessment Tests and what do the levels mean?
SATS or Standard Assessment Tests are used to evaluate your child’s educational progress at the end of years 2, 6 and 9. They make comparisons between children against the average attainment expectations for their respective age group. In this blog you can find more information from our educational consultants on each of the Key Stage SATs tests.
Key Stage 1 SATs take place at the end of the infant stage in the May of year 2. The assessments are carried out by the child’s teacher and evaluate ability in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, maths (number, shape, space and measurement) and science. The teacher will set short pieces of work in English and Maths to support the evaluation process.
Key Stage 2 SATs are a more formal process than Key Stage 1 and take place in the May of year 6. The tests cover the three core subjects, English, Maths and Science. The papers are sent away to be marked externally with results being available before your child leaves primary school in July. More able children are teacher assessed to see if they are capable of reaching a higher level.
Key Stage 3 SATS involve formal tests or exams in English, Maths and Science. These tests on work covered in years 7 to 9 inclusive.
Teacher assessments are also carried out in the subjects below:
Modern Foreign Languages
Design And Technology
Information And Communication Technology (ICT)
Art And Design
Physical Education
Religious Education
There is a table below from our educational consultants which explains the attainment level expectations for the average child
​National curriculum level | ​Age of child |
Level W | Working towards level 1, very weak |
​Level 1 | ​Average for a typical 5 year old |
Level 2 | Average for a typical 7 year old |
Level 3 | Average for a typical 9 year old |
Level 4 | Average for a typical 11 year old |
Level 5 | Average for a typical 13 year old |
Level 6 | ​Average for a typical 14 year old |
Level 7 | ​Above average for typical 14 year old |
Level 8 | ​Only available in Maths |
By way of example, a child in Year 6 aged 11, who sits the Key Stage 2 SATS
Gaining a level 4 indicates they are on track according to expect
Gaining a level 5 indicates that they are ahead of expectations and may be a very able or gifted child
Gaining a level 3 indicates below average performance.
Get in touch today with our educational consultants to find out more about our SATs preparation services.