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What School Year – app to download

What School Year app is an easy to use UK school year calculator for parents, schools, education consultants, education agents and other education professionals.

What school year?

Save time

Calculate which UK school year, based on date of birth, by counting on your fingers? As education consultants, who talk to parents and schools every day, we do!

Whether you are a member of a school’s admissions team in a UK day or boarding school, based at a British international school overseas, or an educational agent based on the other side of the world, chances are you carry out date of birth calculations relating to parents’ enquiries daily.

The What School Year app lists key considerations related to each UK school year and age so is perfect for parents applying to boarding prep and senior schools, preparing for top school entry pre-tests, GCSE, sixth-form or UCAS university applications.

Save yourself time and lots of frustrating finger counting. Expand your knowledge of the key stages of UK education, so you can plan well ahead.

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